What is a Car Insurance Policy Number and How to Find It?

When you have car insurance, there are numerous things you need to know about your policy. One of the most important pieces of information is your car insurance policy number. Having key information about your policy available is essential if you need to file a claim. In fact, having your car insurance policy number is generally important every time you communicate with your insurance provider.

If you don't know what a policy number is, it's important to learn about this policy feature. There are numerous reasons why the policy number is so important. Understanding the importance of your policy number gives you some key insights regarding your auto insurance policy. You need to keep yourself informed to minimize any confusion or uncertainty when you need help regarding your auto insurance policy.

Why It Is Important to Know Your Car Insurance Policy Number

While car insurance can differ between providers, one similarity between all auto insurance providers is the policy number. The policy number makes it easier for insurance providers to manage all their different policies. That's why all providers generally use policy numbers.

What is a Car Insurance Policy Number?

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Your insurance policy number is basically just a number that identifies your policy. Your insurance company uses this number to look up your policy. For most insurance providers, the policy number will be between eight and 10 digits long. This means that the number might be a little long for you to memorize.

Your policy number is the easiest way to identify your policy. Whenever you talk to a representative from your insurance company, they'll ask for this number. If you don't have the number available, looking up your policy might take longer. This is why the policy number makes things so convenient. With the policy number, your insurance provider should be able to locate your policy instantly. Without the number, a representative from your insurance provider might have to look up your information using your name or address. This could take longer because there may be other clients with the same name as you. There are also might be other clients with a similar address.

There are a lot of things you should know when you purchase auto insurance. You should know how to thoroughly search for policies using an auto insurance finder. You should also know the details of using auto insurance. This includes understanding the use and importance of your policy number.

When Do I Get a Car Insurance Policy Number?

Any auto insurance policy comes along with a policy number. This policy number should be given at the time that you purchase your policy. This means that you'll get your number after you've explored your insurance options and searched for the average car insurance cost. Make sure you ask for your policy number when you purchase your policy. Because the policy number is important, the representative you work with should provide your number without your having to ask.

Your policy number shouldn't change at any point as long as you don't switch providers. If you decide to switch auto insurance companies, you will get a new policy number. Otherwise, you'll have the same policy number as long as you keep an active auto insurance policy. Some insurance companies might give you a different policy number if you purchase a different type of policy from them. They also might give you a different policy number if you buy a new vehicle and need to make major changes to your insurance coverage.

Perhaps you're wondering whether you have separate policy numbers for different vehicles. You might have more than one vehicle to insure. Whether or not you have multiple numbers depends on your insurance provider. Many insurance providers might insure multiple vehicles under one policy number. However, some providers might use a different policy number for each insured vehicle.

You should now have a good understanding of what your car insurance policy number is. Now that you understand why this number is important, it's important to keep a record of it available with your records. Keep your number handy so that you can provide it to your insurance company representative when necessary.

The following table shows the policy number formats and some example policy numbers for the major insurance companies in the US :


Policy Number Format

Example Policy Number(s)


Start with a series of three letters, and then 9 digits

AUT 012345678


11 digits total with a "PHZ" in the middle and one space

55 PHZ123456


3 digits, a space, 3 digits, a space, 3 digits. (9 digits total)

998 404 051

American Family

String of numbers (and maybe two letters). 10 digits

10AB987654 1234567890


USAA account number followed by the letter "U" and a string of digits

12345 67 89U 7101 7


4 letters (usually starting with "PA"), a dash (-), 7 digits



String of numbers. 10 digits



Either 10 or 13 characters long. Numbers and letters included

SAN1234567 1234567A01 1000111111A01

National General

10 characters long. Start with the number 2



One letter followed by string of numbers


Where Can I Find My Car Insurance Policy Number?

Simply knowing what your car insurance policy number is won't be enough. There's more to know about your policy number. Probably one of the most important things to know is how to find your number. You need to know how to locate your number if you lose it. It's easy for an individual to misplace their number. Fortunately, it's also generally easy to find the number after losing it. The policy number is easy to find because an insurance provider puts the policy number in so many places.

A primary place to find your policy number is on your insurance card. Your auto insurance card gives key details about your policy. This includes your name and the make and model of the vehicle you're insuring. Your card will also provide your policy number. It should be easy to find your policy number on your insurance cards.

Your insurance cards aren't the only document that will list your policy number. Additionally, you can expect to find your policy number on all of the correspondence you receive from your insurance provider. When you get a statement or bill from your insurance provider, your policy number should be listed. Your policy number won't only be on physical copies of documents that are mailed to you. Your policy number should also be on emails and electronic correspondence that you receive. If you have set up online services and bill pay with your insurance company, you should be able to access your policy number by logging in to your account.

Question answer sign icon

When do I need my car insurance policy number?

You should know what a car insurance policy number is and where to find it. It's also good to know when you need to provide your policy number. You need to know what your policy number is. There are quite a few possible scenarios where you need to supply your policy number.

One scenario where you may need your policy number is when you pay your bill. Your insurance provider might use your policy number to look up your account for bill pay. You may need to provide your number whether you pay your bill over the phone or online. You want paying your bill to be as fast and convenient as possible. That's why it's so important to have your policy number ready.

Another scenario where you need your number is when you file a claim. You need to file a claim on your policy if you're in an accident. You'll be asked for your policy number when you report your accident and file a claim. Dealing with an accident is stressful. You want to minimize the stress of the situation by having your policy details prepared when you call.

Every time you contact your insurance company, they're probably going to ask for your policy number. This means that you should have your policy number ready if you call in to ask a question about your policy. You also need your policy number if you contact your insurance company to make policy changes.

How Can I Find My Car Insurance Policy Number if I Lose It?

Perhaps you may have a situation where you've lost your insurance documents. In this case, you might not be able to locate your car insurance policy number anyway. This can be stressful. Not having your policy number available can make everyday tasks like paying your insurance bill frustrating.

Fortunately, it's not hard to locate your number when you lose it. Hopefully, you have your account set up for online access. In this case, you might simply be able to log in to you account online. From there, you can find your policy number.

However, you can still find your number even if you don't have online account access. One simple way to get your policy number is to call your insurance provider. If you provide your personal information, your insurance company can look up your number. It might take a few minutes, but a representative from your insurance company should be able to produce your number for you.

Don't get stressed out because you've lost your policy number. It's always a simple matter to get your policy number back after you've lost it.

Do I ever need to know the car insurance policy number of other motorists?

Normally, you are only responsible for your own policy number. At the same time, there are scenarios where you will need the policy number of another motorist. This is the case when you get into an accident with other motorists. When this happens, you need to exchange insurance information with other drivers who were involved.

When you're in an accident involving auto damage, you need to file a claim. Your insurance company will work out with the insurance companies of involved drivers who will cover the costs of car damage. Your insurance company will therefore need to contact other insurance companies. When your company contacts other insurance companies, they will use the other driver's policy number. They will provide this number to the other insurance companies to look up the policies of involved drivers.

Motorists need to have their policy available. They need to be able to produce this policy number when they are in an accident. Just as you will get the policy numbers of other drivers, you will also be expected to supply your own policy number. That's one of the reasons why knowing your policy number is so important.

Fortunately, your policy number is conveniently listed on your insurance card. As long as you have your insurance card available, you shouldn't have to worry about producing your number. This is why you're supposed to keep your insurance card in your mail box. That way, you can produce your insurance card when you're in an accident. Obviously, you don't want any delay when an accident happens. You want to be able to furnish all required information immediately.

Being prepared for communication with your insurance company

You don't want to waste any time when you contact your insurance company. Whether you're calling about a claim or for another reason, you want the representative to identify you quickly. Having your policy number available is the most convenient way to start your call.

Fortunately, it's very easy to find your policy number when you need it. Your insurance company should list your policy number on most correspondence. You can have your policy number available as long as you have correspondence from your insurance company around.

In Conclusion

Stay organized to make sure it's easy to access vital auto policy details. This gives you peace of mind and minimizes any confusion or complication in interactions with your insurance company.