Auto Insurance

Remember promising yourself as a teenager that you’d never tell your kids “because I said so”? Your state government apparently didn’t have that conversation. The most fundamental reason you need auto insurance is because your state says so. Every state (except New Hampshire, in some circumstances) requires drivers to carry some minimal level of liability coverage. The amounts vary from state to state, but the purpose is the same. Liability coverage helps pay for any damage you do to other people’s property or any injuries you cause while driving.
There are, of course, other reasons to carry good auto insurance. There are endless types of car insurance, and which policy makes the most sense for you depends on a variety of things, including what you drive, where you drive, how often you drive, and why you drive. If you are in an accident, decent coverage will help get you and your vehicle fixed up and moving again as soon as possible. Like any insurance – home, medical, etc. – it can’t prevent problems, but good auto insurance can make problems much easier to deal with when they happen.
As long as you have a few days to devote to the process and don’t mind receiving hundreds of promotional emails and phone calls every month from now on, it’s quite doable. The information isn’t secret or anything – you just have to look it all up, over and over, and keep track of it all simultaneously.
Sometimes there are so many choices that as a customer you don’t know where to begin. Legally, you have to buy your auto insurance from an insurer in your state, but that doesn’t narrow things down as much as you might expect. Most of the major providers have offices in multiple states, and most companies providing car insurance online have already worked out the logistics necessary to meet your state’s requirements.
If you think you can beat the system by looking for a policy in Indiana when you live in Michigan, however… not a good idea. You could simply call or go online with a few dozen options and share your information over and over and over. You can put the results in a spreadsheet and compare auto insurance quotes side by side in order to find the best deal for your specific situation. Then you could research the best half-dozen offers to make sure you felt good about the insurers themselves.
Don’t forget to include a few of the big names, a few you haven’t heard of, those two places whose commercials make you laugh (but not the one with the seriously annoying ads), and at least a handful of sites offering car insurance online. That way you cover all your bases.
While you’re at it, it’s probably a good idea to get quotes for several different types of car insurance from each potential provider. That way you can compare each insurer’s lowest rates for car insurance – presumably for minimal liability coverage – as well as their standard collision insurance and maybe a full coverage package or two. You can’t really make an informed decision unless you know your options, right?
Wouldn’t it be nice to enter all of that information once, and let someone else do all the work for you? Then you could compare auto insurance quotes side by side when and where it’s convenient for you. You could weight the pros and cons of basic liability, a standard auto insurance policy, or a high-end comprehensive and collision insurance policy, all just as easily as you check to see how late your favorite restaurant is open or make sure your check has been deposited before you go shopping.
The best technology doesn’t try to make decisions for you. The best technology gives you the information you need, when you need it, in a clear, useful format, so that you can make better decisions. Imagine simply going online or pulling up an easy-to-use app that’s so much more than an auto insurance finder – so much more flexible than a car insurance price checker. Imagine an analytical tool that takes in account your age, your location, your vehicle, your history, your credit score, your gender, your needs, your goals, your overall financial picture, and offers you insights and options for coverage.
Anyone can shoot you a quote for collision insurance – thanks to the wonders of the 21st century, that’s no longer the chore it used to be. Imagine the ability to compare auto insurance rates for the best deals and compare auto insurance companies for the most reliable service as easily as you compare pizza delivery options or streaming video options. Imagine the app that helps you consider different types of car insurance integrating easily with other apps that let you categorize your spending as you go, project your potential savings or offer updates you on your investments, remind you of upcoming payments, or offer budgeting tips related to whatever you’re doing that day.
It’s not about technology controlling what you do or telling you how to spend your money. It’s recognizing that knowledge is power, and easily accessible, well-organized knowledge is a most useful sort of power when it comes to our personal or small business finances.
So yes, Insurry wants to offer you a better auto insurance finder and help you secure the best insurance auto quote. Yes, we believe it’s possible to do better than a simple car insurance price checker that shoots you some averages for liability or basic collision insurance or cheap full coverage car insurance from a sponsored company or two. We believe most of us are perfectly capable of taking more effective control of our personal or small business finances if provided with the right information, tools, connections, and opportunities. A better way to shop for car or truck insurance is an important part of that – but it’s also just the beginning.
There’s no reasonable answer to that question. Perhaps a better question would be, “What determines how much my auto insurance is likely to cost?” You can’t compare car insurance in any sort of meaningful way until you understand the many factors shaping the results. Some of them are based on your past choices and experiences, while others are completely out of your control.
The insurance game is all about statistics and weighing the odds. Like running a casino, insurance companies want to take in as much as possible while paying out enough to maintain their credibility (and legal obligations) – but not more than necessary. Because competition is fierce, they want to accomplish this while offering the most attractive rates possible.
One of the biggest factors in any auto insurance quote is your age. Teenagers are going to pay more for any level of coverage in any state. Why? Because they have the most accidents. It’s not personal; it’s just the math. Teenagers haven’t driven as long, and some aren’t known for their clearheaded or overly cautious natures. Some companies offer discounts based on the driver’s GPA in school or other factors which may seem unrelated to their driving. The numbers say that students with better grades tend to drive more responsibly and get in fewer accidents. It’s not a judgement of anyone as a person – it’s just statistics.
All other things being equal, rates drop as a driver moves through their 20s. They rise again slightly when drivers reach their 60s. Again, it’s just the math. Older drivers have slightly more accidents.
Vehicle insurance is one of the remaining areas in which it’s OK to discriminate based on sex (or, if you prefer, “gender.”) Why? Maybe it’s partly because men are likely to pay more for auto insurance than women whose demographics and history are otherwise the same, rather than the reverse. Mostly, though, it’s those pesky statistics again. Men as a whole are more likely to get into accidents, to refuse to wear a seatbelt, to drive sportscars, and to drive aggressively or unsafely. They also simply drive more than women, meaning more chances to have an accident.
If you’re a man and that’s not how you are, you’re welcome to find this unfair. In the meantime, be ready to pay a little bit more for your car or truck insurance.
What you drive comes into play in several ways. Sporty red convertibles tend to get into more accidents and be stolen more often than sensible mid-range minivans. The accident rate isn’t due to defects in design; it’s a statistical correlation between people who want sporty red convertibles and people who tend to drive less cautiously. (Smokers are more likely to have accidents than non-smokers, even if they never smoke while driving. It’s a personality thing.) The theft rate is higher because people who steal cars are more likely to want a sporty red convertible than a mom car. So, an auto quote for insurance on your midlife crisis-mobile will usually be a bit higher.
Some cars cost more to fix because the parts are harder to get or the design requires dealer-certified mechanics. Other cars are more likely to be stolen than their less-desirable alternatives. If you love your car and it makes all your friends jealous, your insurance will probably cost more as a result. If you park several blocks away from wherever you’re going and walk a few extra blocks so no one knows that one’s yours, congratulations – you’re probably going to get a great deal on your coverage!
The other, more obvious, factor is the cost of repairing or replacing the vehicle. If you want cheap full coverage car insurance, start by driving a cheaper car. They are, by definition, cheaper to replace. Used vehicles cost less to insure than new. High end vehicles cost more to insure than economy cars. No real surprises here.
Auto owner insurance is also rated based on where you live – right down to your ZIP code. Higher population density? Higher rates. Lower crime? Lower rates. Bad weather? Higher rates. Less traveled roads? Lower rates. A few states restrict insurer’s ability to adjust rates within the state. Whether this helps or hurts you individually depends on – no shock here – where you live.
Some states have much higher or lower averages than the national mean. In 2020, if you drive in Maine, North Carolina, or Virginia, you’ll probably pay less than half of what you’d pay for the same coverage in Michigan, Florida, or Louisiana. Some of this is simply a combination of the other factors we’ve covered. The rest comes down to – you guessed it – statistics.
It also matters whether you own your home, rent a house, or live in an apartment. Renters can pay substantially more than homeowners, again based solely on statistics. Whether it’s because of the relative safety of garages, or because homeowners tend to have families and thus live more conservatively and safely, doesn’t really matter.
Similarly, married individuals tend to get slightly lower rates than if they were single. They even get better rates than those who are divorced or widowed. Insurers aren’t judging your life choices – just following the math. It’s the same with your credit score. What does your outstanding credit card debt or those times you were late on the electric bill have to do with your driving? Nothing, directly – but the lowest rates for car insurance go to whoever the algorithms say are least likely to file claims. Higher credit scores correlate with fewer accidents or other claims, so that means lower rates. Period.
No surprise here – your driving record matters. The more accidents, DUIs, or tickets you’ve accumulated over the years, the higher your rates are likely to be. While we can’t entirely control this one, we have some major input. You don’t have to drive after you’ve been drinking. You’re not required to exceed the speed limit. You can dramatically improve your odds by simply making reasonable adult decisions.
Some companies even offer those fancy little tracking devices to measure how fast you usually go and gage other habits related to driving safety. If you keep the device happy, your rates go down a bit. It’s a brilliant gimmick, and once again all about the statistics. People who know they’re being “monitored,” even by a little device, tend to make better decisions. We’re funny like that.
Finally, something over which we have almost complete control.
While average rates are going to be higher or lower based on your age, your sex, your ZIP code, your driving record, even your credit score, that doesn’t mean they’ll be the same from insurer to insurer. All insurance providers follow the statistics, but so do all stock market investors – and their strategies vary widely. Everyone who bets on professional sports or horse racing has access to the same numbers, but they read them differently and apply them differently based on their own models of what’s most likely to bring them long-term success.
All insurance providers want to balance offering reliable coverage with making a reasonable profit, but that doesn’t mean they all offer the same coverage at the same price, even to the same person. It’s essential that you compare auto insurance rates before making a decision. And make sure it’s “apples to apples” – you won’t learn much by comparing Company A’s comprehensive and collision insurance with Company B’s minimum liability coverage.
It’s also a good idea to compare auto insurance companies. What’s their track record for paying out valid claims? Do they have testimonials from hundreds of satisfied customers, or is the only reference to them you can find online something about a class action lawsuit for shady business practices? Sometimes it’s reassuring to use the big name insurance companies. It seems like they must be pretty solid or you wouldn’t hear their names and see their offices everywhere. Perhaps, but that’s not always a given. That sketchy place next to the Quickie Mart might be a diamond in the rough, or it might just be two brothers in bad suits making claims they can’t back up. How can you know for sure?
It’s increasingly popular to buy car insurance online. Without the overhead of local office buildings or the limitations of serving only clients within a handful of ZIP codes, the average car insurance cost of online polices can be quite competitive and the service and response times impressive. That’s what happens with modern American capitalism works the way it’s supposed to – customers are given more options and better products thanks to ongoing competition between companies for their business.