Whole Life Insurance Explained "Straight" and "Ordinary"

Life insurance is an important product to invest in to protect your family financially. If you're going to buy life insurance, you need to understand the various types of life insurance. One of the significant types of life insurance is whole life insurance. You should understand what this financial product is and how it works. You should also understand how this type of life insurance differs from others.

The decisions you make when buying insurance will affect the financial future of your family. That's why it's so important to put adequate thought into the purchase. You need to understand and evaluate your options. At the same time, you also need to understand and evaluate your needs.

For some families, a whole life insurance policy is the best option. However, you shouldn't assume that this type of life insurance is ideal. First you need to learn how a whole life policy works. Then you need to consider whether this policy type is suitable in your unique situation.

What Whole Life Insurance Is

Life insurance is a type of insurance that provides financial support for your dependents when you pass away. It is used by individuals with dependents to replace their income in the event of an untimely death.

The policyholder will pay premiums on the policy to enjoy continued coverage. Payments for life insurance are typically made monthly. However, they can also be made on an annual or bi-annual basis with some providers.

The Death Benefit

Income replacement comes in the form of a death benefit. A death benefit is paid out to the beneficiaries of a policy when the policyholder passes away. This death benefit is a predetermined lump sum of money. The larger the death benefit on a policy is, the higher the monthly or annual premium costs are going to be.

A Permanent Form of Life Insurance

Whole life insurance is a form of life insurance. Unlike some other types of life insurance, a whole life policy is permanent. This means the life of a whole life policy is not limited to a pre-determined period like 10 or 20 years. Instead, a whole life policy is expected to remain in force for the rest of the policyholder's life.

Lifelong Savings

A whole life policy is really more than just life insurance. It is also a form of savings and investment. Funds that the policyholder puts into the policy go into savings for the policyholder and his or her beneficiaries. A whole life policy can also pay out dividends over time. These dividends can then be reinvested in the policy. The cash value of a whole life policy can accumulate interest.

Because a whole life policy accumulates cash value, the policyholder can benefit from the policy while still alive. The terms of a particular whole life policy can vary. However, it's typical for a policyholder to be able to borrow against the policy's cash value. If the policyholder withdraws funds from the policy, the cash value of the policy decreases until funds are repaid. However, the death benefit amount of the policy will remain the same.

Decisions to Make When Purchasing a Whole Life Policy

When you are purchasing a whole life policy, there are some key decisions you have to make. It's important that you put a good amount of research into these decisions. Planning for the future is the key to financial success for your family down the road. Choosing a life insurance policy is a big decision. Before you start researching policy options, you should understand what selecting a whole life insurance policy involves.

Deciding on dependents

One big decision you'll make is who you'll designate as your dependents. The dependents of a policyholder are typically the policyholder's children and possibly spouse. However, dependents can be anyone who is financially dependent on the policyholder. In some case, this could be other relatives, an elderly parent, business partners, or an unrelated dependent friend or loved one.

Deciding on coverage amount

Evaluating your dependents' needs is important. The number of dependents you have as well as how long they will be financially dependent on you are important factors. These factors help determine how much coverage you need. More dependents who will be financially dependent long-term mean a larger death benefit is needed.

Deciding on insurance provider

There are many different companies providing life insurance to choose from. You need to carefully research companies to choose the right provider. Different life insurance providers offer different whole life products. You can evaluate different providers based on their reputation and product offerings.

Different life insurance providers offer different policy structures. You want to find the provider who will give you the best deal. When it comes to whole life policies, look into the investment advantages. It's a good idea to try to find a provider offering dividends on the policy. This helps your policy to accumulate cash value over time. Flexibility is also an important factor. Look for a provider offering policy flexibility so that you can withdraw from your cash value if needed.

Whole Life Insurance vs. Other Life Insurance Types

Term Life Insurance

Whole life insurance is different from other insurance types. The main alternative to a whole life policy is a term life policy. While a whole life policy is permanent, a term life policy is temporary.

As previously mentioned, a whole life policy covers you for the rest of your life. It doesn't need to be renewed, and premiums don't change over time. On the other hand, a term life insurance policy lasts for a pre-determined amount of time. This could be five years, ten years, twenty years, or more. If you pass away during this period, the insurance provider pays out a death benefit. Otherwise, the policy ends and you get nothing back for your premiums.

Other Policy Types

There are other types of life insurance to be aware of. Other common types of life insurance are universal, variable, and final expense insurance.

Universal life insurance policies are permanent like whole life insurance. However, universal policies allow you to make more changes after purchasing the policy. For example, you have some flexibility to change the death benefit and premium amount after purchasing your policy.

A variable life insurance policy is also a permanent type of policy. However, variable life insurance is more focused on an investment component than whole life policies.

Final expense insurance is a basic type of life insurance coverage. It is designed to cover only the costs of death such as medical and burial costs. This type of policy is a good idea for those who have no dependents but don't want to leave their children or relatives with funeral costs after they pass away. It's important to realize that funeral costs can be very expensive. A funeral can easily cost $7,640 or more. That's why having at least a final expense insurance policy is important

Advantages of Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance offers a lot of advantages over term life insurance and other common insurance types. It's important to analyze these advantages. Term life insurance might be the best option for you based on your needs. Don't assume whole life insurance is the better option just for the cash value. Remember that whole life insurance premiums are more expensive.

If receiving a death benefit is your main concern, term life insurance may be best. However, you may not enjoy the following advantages with a term life insurance policy. Make sure you're aware of the following whole life policy advantages before you buy life insurance.

  1. Accumulation of Cash Value

      Accumulation of cash value is perhaps the primary advantage of a whole life policy. With term life insurance, you receive nothing back from premiums if you outlive the policy. You cannot outlive a whole life policy because these policies are permanent. You will get money back from the payments you make on the policy regardless of what happens in the future.

      The cash value component is what sells whole life policies for many consumers. Whole life policy cash accumulation contributes to your net worth. It helps you to save up money while also benefiting from the financial security of the death benefit.

  2. Fixed Premium Costs

      Another big advantage offered by most whole life policies is fixed premium amounts. Most whole life policies have a premium cost that stays constant over time. This makes whole life policies more predictable and reliable.

      For some other types of policy, premium costs could change over time. This is especially true if you rely on term life coverage. With term life coverage, you may have to renew the policy after the term is up if you still need coverage. When you renew the policy, your premium costs will probably be higher. Your premium costs will be higher because you will be older. The older the policyholder, the more expensive premium costs are for term life insurance. Life insurance providers know that the older a policyholder gets, the more likely it is that he or she will pass away during the life of a term life insurance policy.

  3. Guaranteed Returns on Money Put into the Policy

      Guaranteed returns are another advantage of whole life policies. Guaranteed returns are another factor that make these policies more predictable and reliable. You will get guaranteed returns on money that you invest in your whole life policy.

      It's true that the guaranteed returns you get back from whole life policy investment are modest. You might not get as much as you would get back on other types of investment. However, there is also less risk involved than with other investment types. Therefore, whole life policies are often good for someone wanting stability and predictability.

  4. Permanent Coverage

      A whole life policy will never expire. If you want to purchase a policy once and for all, whole life is the way to go. If you purchase a term life policy, you may have to deal with purchasing another policy down the road.

      By opting for whole life, you get a permanent solution to your life insurance needs. You may choose to reevaluate your policy over time. If things change regarding your financial situation, you may be able to make slight adjustments to your policy. However, you do not have to change anything.

      With term life or any other temporary life insurance policy, you must expect changes. Every time you purchase a term policy, the insurance provider will reevaluate your situation. If you begin experiencing health problems, you might not even be able to get life insurance at all. Purchasing a whole life policy while you're healthy is your best bet for reliably permanent life insurance coverage.

  5. Tax Benefits

      You should also be aware of the tax benefits offered by whole life insurance. For one thing, your dependents won't have to pay any tax on the death benefit if you pass away. Another tax benefit is that you can withdraw from the cash value of your policy without paying any taxes.

      Another advantage regarding taxes is that the IRS cannot seize a life insurance death benefit for outstanding taxes. If the policyholder owes money to the iRS, the IRS must leave this death benefit alone. The death benefit funds go directly to the beneficiaries on the policy. Therefore, a life insurance policy is especially important for individuals with dependents who owe taxes. While any money the deceased individual has in assets can be seized by the IRS, life insurance death benefits cannot be seized.

How to Purchase Whole Life Insurance

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There are several steps you will want to go through when you wish to get life insurance. It's important that you go through all these steps and plan your purchase carefully.

Realize that you will put a lot of money into your life insurance over time. Life insurance is a big investment that you're making in the future.

As with any big investment, careful consideration is important. You need to fully understand the product itself. This means reading all the fine print. It also means asking insurance company representatives any questions you have. You need to clarify uncertainties to be sure you're making the right decisions. In additon to understanding the policy itself, you need to understand your own financial situation.

The following are four steps you need to go through when purchasing a whole life policy:

Do your research

It's important that you understand life insurance and how it works. You need to understand not just whole life insurance, but other key types of insurance like term life insurance and universal life insurance as well. Understanding these different types allows you to figure out which is best for your situation.

Crunch the numbers when before you start shopping for policies. You should calculate how much your dependents will need to maintain their lifestyle if something happens to you. Factors including your income level and monthly family expenses help you determine how much coverage you'll need. Also, you need to consider how long your dependents will be dependent on you. The younger your children are, the more coverage you'll generally need.

Get quotes on available policies

Do a life insurance comparison to find out what your options are. You should never look into policies with just one provider when buying any type of insurance. You should research your options by getting multiple quotes.

Life insurance providers are happy to offer quotes. Once you've done some research and found a couple different providers you're interested in, get quotes from all of them.

Evaluate options

Evaluate the quotes you get for the value they provide. Be aware of the features provided on individual policies. Don't assume that the policy that costs the least is the best. Look into the details to make sure that you're getting quality as well as a competitive premium price.

Commit to a policy

Once you've decided on a policy, you can follow through with it by signing a contract and beginning to make premium payments. Be sure to talk with a representative in person over the phone or face-to-face. Ask all the questions you have. Don't commit to a policy until you're confident that you understand it completely. You need to understand what you're getting to be sure that you're making the right decision.

To Sum It All Up,

You now have the information you need to make a decision about whole life insurance. Remember that it's important not to delay purchasing life insurance. Life insurance is important for protecting your family financially. You don't want your dependents to experience financial hardship if something should happen to you. Life is unpredictable and you never know when accidents can happen.

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Overall, you should opt for whole life insurance if accumulating long term savings is as important as a death benefit for your dependents. Consumers sometimes decide on whole life policies because they don't like the idea of getting nothing back from premiums. However, it's important to evaluate the increased costs of a whole life policy.

Regardless of which type of life insurance you choose, it's important that you don't delay. The sooner you choose a life insurance policy, the sooner your family can enjoy the peace of mind of financial security.